Online Thesis Binding and Printing Services Available for Doctors, MD/MS, PhD Research Scholars, Professors in India
Medical Writing Services Available for Doctors, MD/MS, PhD Research Scholars, Professors
We provide complete thesis/dissertation binding and printing services for doctors, MD/MS, PhD students all over India. You may contact us from anywhere in India
for any work related to Masters/PhD thesis; starting from Synopsis writing, thesis writing, binding and printing at affordable price. Your printed thesis will be
delivered at your address by post/courier. No need to waste your valuable time in transportation, just receive your Printed Thesis at your address by availing our services.
Submit your thesis/dissertation by email to:,
Services Available:
Following services are provided by our team.
We at Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara, Gujarat provide wide range of services for Professionals, Doctors, Research Scholars and Academicians.
We help them in writing research papers, scientific articles based on their clinical research work.
Many doctors and professionals don’t get enough time to write research articles due to their busy schedule in clinical jobs.
We help them in medical writing without any plagiarism issue. It is very important that prepared manuscript should be free from any plagiarism and
copyright infringement issue.
Our prepared manuscripts help doctors and professionals to publish these articles in various journals. Prepared manuscripts are useful for different fellowship and research work like PhD, MD/MS etc.
Many journals don’t accept articles due to plagiarism issue and poor writing despite of original work done by doctors, residents and medical students. So, it is very important to provide better shape to your hard work and write your articles in proper scientific way.
Contact Details
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