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Apart from these general policies kindly visit specific sections of book publication and journals.
Our journal follows double blind peer review process. All articles are reviewed by potential reviewers. Journal editorial team takes final decision for the acceptance of the article after rigorous review process.
After receipt of manuscript from authors it passes from following stages:Suggestions for Reviewers
Reviewers are selected on the basis of experience in his/her area (minimum five years). Reviewers should strictly evaluate each article.
An original research article should have clearly defined sections e.g. Introduction, Methodology, Results/Observations (findings), and Discussion (conclusions and recommendations). Briefly describe, discuss and evaluate the key points involved in each section of the article. Reviewers should consider following points while reviewing an article.
Does the author clearly define a research problem or topic?
Is its significance and need of study explained?
Is specialized terminology usefully defined?
Are the research aims/objectives clearly stated? Are hypotheses or specific research questions identified?
Is ethical issues clearly explained?
Is there clear research methodology written by author?
Number of participants, method of sampling written or not?
Any apparatus/instrument used in research methodology, its use and validity and reliability?
Any evident biases or ethical considerations arise in relation to the methodology? Explained or not?
Are methods of measurement or procedure clearly explained and appropriate?
Are outcome variables defined?
How were data analysed? Which software was used for data analysis? Was relevant and appropriate statistical test used?
Are the major findings clearly written?
Do the findings of the study adequately address the stated research objectives?
Are supporting data presented? Are tables/graphs/figures displayed and helpful and well integrated with the text?
Does the author compare findings of the study with relevant reasoning?
Does the result of the study match with the conclusion or any recommendation?
Any limitations/further recommendations written or not?
Does the author conclude article with emphasizing clinical relevance and significance of the study?
Is this study relevant, original and significant?
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Retraction Policy
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Withdrawal Policy