International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: April-June | Volume: 2 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 42-45

Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Malnutrition and the Preparation of Hydrabadi and Davanagere Mix Recipe among Mothers of under Five Children in Selected Anganwadi centre of Hattikeri P. H. C., Ankola (U.K.), Karnataka

Gangadhar. S. Isarannavar1, Rudreshi S. Sannashivannanavar2

1Asst. Prof., Department of Community Health Nursing, KLE’S Institute of Nursing Sciences, Ankola. Karnataka- India.
2Lecturer, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, KLE’S Institute of Nursing Sciences, Ankola. Karnataka- India.

Corresponding Author: Gangadhar. S. Isarannavar


Background: Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of the vitamins, minerals etc. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on malnutrition and the preparation of Hydrabadi and Davanagere mix recipe among mothers of under-five children.
Aims and objectives: The study was conducted to assess the pre test score of mothers on malnutrition and the preparation of Hydrabadi and Davanagere mix recipe, evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme And to find out association between pre test and post test knowledge score demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: Twenty mothers of under five children assessed. They were assessed for the level of knowledge regarding malnutrition and the preparation of Hydrabadi and Davanagere mix recipe by self structured questionnaires on first day pre-test followed by structured teaching programme for one hour. The post-test were conducted on seventh day by using same tool.
Results: Statistically significant effectiveness of structured teaching program was found. There was no significant association was found with selected demographical and knowledge score.
Conclusion: Our findings denotes that the effectiveness of structured teaching programme help to gain the knowledge score on malnutrition and the preparation of Hydrabadi and Davanagere mix recipe. It is essential for community health nurse to develop knowledge regarding malnutrition, its management and prevention in order to avoid life threatening complications among under five children’s. 

Keywords: Structured teaching programme, Knowledge, Mothers of under five children’s, Hydrabadi and Davanagere mix.

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